Thursday 21 February 2008

A detailed description about the work I did with the camera and why I did it.

Hello. Today’s task is to create a photo album on student life at the University in a group of people. In our groups we went out and took photos of our accommodation, night life and classes. I was in a class of three; Faridah, Terri and I. It was decided that I take pictures of student night life. We decided that each member would take pictures of different subjects so that we get a different outlook. Once we had all taken our individual pictures we transferred them to a computer and put them all together so that they could all be arranged in a photo album. We then made a PowerPoint presentation so that the photos could be made into a slide show. I enjoyed this task as I got on well with all my team members and we all got on with the work and there was no arguments on creative control over the work. Another reason why I liked this task is that I like taking photographs and editing them in my spare time so doing this as a task in class was great fun.

From this task I learnt that in this age of digital photography it is still important to arrange your photos in some way as less people have carbon copies of their photos. Whether it's on online photo album or a PowerPoint presentation.


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