Friday 22 February 2008

Ethics of Photo Manipulation


Carrying on with the previous weeks work, this weeks task was to manipulate the pictures that we took last week. In this weeks blog entry I'll be talking about the images we took, why we took them and why they were manipulated in the way that they were.

Below are the images:

This is the original image of the Harrington lecture theatre whilst it is empty. We took this because lectures are a large part of student life.

This is it after editing. The girl has been removed and a picture of a monkey has been added and changed so that it looks like it is being projected onto the screen. I did this because I wanted to make it look like a class was in progress.

This is a photo of one of the hallways in a flat in the Ribble halls. We thought it was important to document the type of habitat that students live in.

As the picture was taken at an odd angle and of an empty hall I thought it was appropriate to add a ghost to the picture and dim the lighting.

This is the original image of the student refectory. In this image two women are talking in the foreground but having so many people in it makes it look cluttered.

In this image I decided to remove one of them from the picture to make it look less cluttered. It now looks like the other woman is talking to the wall.

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