Monday 14 April 2008

Last Post

Well apparently the last post that I write on this blog has to be about my Easter vacation and what I got upto during it.

Well the majority of my time was spent in London which is were I'm from. My girlfriend Terri came to stay at mine for a week or so and we mainly ended up going shopping in the west end at the huge primark store. I don't know why this is. We did try going onto the London eye (which I haven't been on). We booked tickets and the day on which we arranged for... it had broken down. Apparently people were stuck on it for 90 mins which is kind of stupid. We decided to go for a Chinese in china town instead which was alot better value for money.

We also went to Glouster which was pretty fun and a great change of scene it was cheaper than going out in London but busier than going out in Preston so it was a welcome change from both places.

Overall I had a good easter traverling all around the country and partying everywhere that I visited and as this is my last blog I must say that I have slightly enjoyed the experience. It has been rewarding documenting my progress in the classes and will give me something to look back on for a while.

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