Friday 14 March 2008

10 Reasons not to answer your phone in lectures.

This blog is about someone who used their phone in a lecture. Here are the top ten reasons I came up with for this brilliant task.

1. You might wake up the person next to you. (Rude)

2. Everyone can hear your conversation. (Stupid)

3. It makes you look stupid. (This goes to that guy who was on his phone in two different lectures thinking he’s awesome because he has an iPhone. He was probably just talking into the mouth piece with no one on the other side just to show it off to everyone in the lecture. He wasn't cool he looked foolish. iPhones are not that cool...)

4. It's a waste of battery.

5. Everyone will hate you because you will get tasks like '10 reasons not to answer your phone in lectures'.(Dedicated to previously mentioned)

6. You can't get a decent conversation any way because your going to have to be whispering.

7. Some lecturers are actually quite nice and don't deserve rudeness on that level. (Same to the other students who are paying £3070 for the benefit of listening to you discussing last nights Holyoakes/Girlfriends or lack of/How cool your iPhone is)

8. iPhones are not that cool. (No 3G)

8. It can disrupt other electrical equipment.

9. Your wasting your time even turning up if your going to be on the phone. Best thing to do is walk out then answer the call.

10. Its written in the rules, on the lecture room doors and it's pretty obvious you shouldn't do it.

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